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                                       Details for article 9 of 16 found articles
  <span> </span> Deflective signal analysis in photothermal measurements in the frame of complex geometrical optics
Title: <span> </span> Deflective signal analysis in photothermal measurements in the frame of complex geometrical optics
Author: Roman J. BUKOWSKI
Dorota KORTE
Appeared in: Optica applicata
Paging: Volume 35 (2005) nr. 1 pages 77-97
Year: 2005
Contents: The influence of one dimensional plane thermal wave on probing Gaussian beam phase and deflection by complex geometrical optics methods has been analyzed in the work. The probing beam detection by quadrant photodiode has been investigated. The dependence of photodiode current signal on the probing beam diameter, its waist, sample position, angular modulation frequency and the height of the beam over the sample has been studied.
Publisher: Wroclaw University of Technology
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 9 of 16 found articles
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