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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A literature review of open-ended concept maps as a research instrument to study knowledge and learning de Ries, Kirsten E.

56 1 p. 73-107
2 A “space” of one’s own: identity and conflict in two Milan districts Stefanizzi, Sonia

56 1 p. 109-130
3 Breaking second glass ceiling: lived experiences of women entrepreneurs in Pakistan Salahuddin, Ambreen

56 1 p. 61-72
4 BRIC without B: Does ownership structure matters for firm performance in emerging economies? Amin, Muhammad Yusuf

56 1 p. 217-226
5 How to choose an approach to handling missing categorical data: (un)expected findings from a simulated statistical experiment Zhuchkova, Svetlana

56 1 p. 1-22
6 Investigating the causal relationship between woman's health and economic growth in groups D8 and G7 countries Jalili, Aylar

56 1 p. 359-374
7 Language as a proxy for cultural change. A contrastive analysis for French and Italian lexicon on male homosexuality Agovino, Massimiliano

56 1 p. 149-172
8 Modeling of inflation cases in South Sulawesi Province using single exponential smoothing and double exponential smoothing methods Ahmar, Ansari Saleh

56 1 p. 227-237
9 Non-linear cointegration between wholesale electricity prices and electricity generation: an analysis of asymmetric effects Nibedita, Barsha

56 1 p. 285-303
10 Political markets, the party-related factors and political party’s market-orientation in Indonesia’s democracy: evidence from Indonesia’s 2014 parliamentary election Ahmad, Nyarwi

56 1 p. 333-357
11 Public issues, policy proposals, social movements, and the interests of the Koch Brothers network of allies Doreian, Patrick

56 1 p. 305-332
12 Relevance in Web search: between content, authority and popularity Oleinik, Anton

56 1 p. 173-194
13 Remittances and value added across economic sub-sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa Asongu, Simplice A.

56 1 p. 23-41
14 Safety risk assessment in shopping center construction projects using Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis method Aghaei, P.

56 1 p. 43-59
15 Science mapping analysis of “cultural” in web of science (1908–2019) Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-José

56 1 p. 239-257
16 The effects of a special sequential mixed-mode design, and reminders, on panellists’ participation in a probability-based panel study Becker, Rolf

56 1 p. 259-284
17 The relation between complexity and synergy in the case of China: different ways of predicting GDP growth in a complex and adaptive system Ivanova, Inga

56 1 p. 195-215
18 Volatility spillover and dynamic co-movement of foreign direct investment between Malaysia and China and developed countries Kogid, Mori

56 1 p. 131-148
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland