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                             45 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A bibliometric review on development economics research in Vietnam from 2008 to 2020 Ho, Manh-Toan

56 5 p. 2939-2969
2 A comprehensive conceptual and bibliometric study of person-centered methodologies Rey-Martí, Andrea

56 5 p. 3665-3683
3 A framework for text mining on Twitter: a case study on joint comprehensive plan of action (JCPOA)- between 2015 and 2019 Behzadidoost, Rashid

56 5 p. 3053-3084
4 A machine-learning based hybrid algorithm for strategic location of urban bundling hubs to support shared public transport El Ouadi, Jihane

56 5 p. 3215-3258
5 A methodological proposal for a strategic design investigation Giraldo, Carmenza Gallego

56 5 p. 3325-3336
6 An indicator of early school leaving per school: every pupil counts Van Landeghem, Georges

56 5 p. 3795-3813
7 A qualitative assessment of QCA: method stretching in large-N studies and temporality Finn, Victoria

56 5 p. 3815-3830
8 A quasi-negative binomial regression with an application to medical care data Olumoh, Jamiu S.

56 5 p. 3029-3052
9 Assessing the psychometric properties of the Guarding Minds @ Work questionnaire recommended in the Canadian Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace Smith, Peter M.

56 5 p. 3111-3133
10 A Tale of two narratives: assessing the sociological hypothesis of the appeal of the US dollar in Argentina Delbianco, Fernando

56 5 p. 3519-3537
11 Barriers, impeding the establishment and operation of small innovative enterprises at higher schools in Russia Gregory, Khachaturov A.

56 5 p. 2925-2938
12 Blockchain technology in the smart city: a bibliometric review Rejeb, Abderahman

56 5 p. 2875-2906
13 Can a path to peace promote export growth? Evidence from Pakistan and its trading partners Naveed, Amjad

56 5 p. 3309-3324
14 Can we trust measures of trust? a comparison of results from open and closed questions Brosius, Anna

56 5 p. 2907-2924
15 Confirmatory factor analysis with missing data in a small sample: cognitive reserve in people with Down Syndrome Cañete-Massé, Cristina

56 5 p. 3363-3377
16 Contagious diseases and tourism: a systematic review based on bibliometric and content analysis methods Goel, Pooja

56 5 p. 3085-3110
17 Development of spatial ability extra tasks (SAET): problem solving with spatial intelligence Nagy-Kondor, Rita

56 5 p. 3751-3768
18 Enhancing the quality of municipality services using four-dimensional house of quality Borna, Peyman

56 5 p. 3849-3870
19 Evaluating the quality of scientific research papers in entrepreneurship Yoganandan, G.

56 5 p. 3013-3027
20 “Furry tales”: pet ownership’s influence on subjective well-being during Covid-19 times Damberg, Svenja

56 5 p. 3645-3664
21 How are social origin, destination and mobility linked to physical, mental, and self-rated health? Evidence from the United States Bulczak, Grzegorz

56 5 p. 3555-3585
22 Identifying contextual effective factors on total fertility rate decline in Iran: a qualitative framework-based study Jafari, Hasan

56 5 p. 3395-3412
23 Implication studies: a methodological framework Danaeefard, Hassan

56 5 p. 3159-3188
24 Influence of web portals on management support and university performance: an information quality perspective Pinho, Cáudia

56 5 p. 3729-3749
25 Instrumental measurement of the cognitive and emotional background of deception Műhelyi, Viktória

56 5 p. 3505-3518
26 Integrating sustainability practices into islamic corporate governance for sustainable firm performance: from the lens of agency and stakeholder theories Jan, Ahmad Ali

56 5 p. 2989-3012
27 Intrapreneurship model in the software industry Vela, Esthela Galván

56 5 p. 3699-3727
28 Kernel method to estimate nonlinear structural equation models Ouazza, Ahmed

56 5 p. 3465-3480
29 Leaving studies because of lack of interest: an analysis of the risk factors of school dropouts in Pakistan Amir-ud-Din, Rafi

56 5 p. 3189-3214
30 Mixed-methods research proficiency for applied linguists: a PLS-path modelling approach Amini Farsani, Mohammad

56 5 p. 3337-3362
31 Person-level assessment of measurement invariance Sočan, Gregor

56 5 p. 3481-3503
32 Phenomena-centered Text Analysis (PTA): a new approach to foster the qualitative paradigm in text analysis Krikser, Thomas

56 5 p. 3539-3554
33 Prospect of off-seasonal vegetable production in Bangladesh: a socioeconomic diagnosis Maruf, Sadek Ahmed

56 5 p. 3441-3463
34 Psychometric properties of the Valencia Scale of Attitudes and Beliefs toward Hypnosis Client version (VSABH-C) in a mexican sample Viñas-Velázquez, Bertha Margarita

56 5 p. 3685-3697
35 Qualitative reasoning or quantitative aggregation rules for impact assessment of policy options? A multiple criteria framework Munda, Giuseppe

56 5 p. 3259-3277
36 Review of Veltri, G. A.: Digital social research Walby, Kevin

56 5 p. 3871-3873
37 Sustainable urban mobility: evidence from three developed European countries Punzo, Gennaro

56 5 p. 3135-3157
38 The development and validation instrument for the cognitive medical errors: structural equation modeling approach Alolayyan, Main Naser

56 5 p. 3831-3847
39 The effect of migration on rural residents’ intergenerational subjective social status mobility in China Lu, Chong

56 5 p. 3279-3308
40 The (real) need for a human touch: testing a human–machine hybrid topic classification workflow on a New York Times corpus Sebők, Miklos

56 5 p. 3621-3643
41 Together alone: a group-based polarization measurement Tang, Tanzhe

56 5 p. 3587-3619
42 Toward a political budget cycle? Unveiling long-term latent paths in Greece Petrakos, George

56 5 p. 3379-3394
43 Towards the entrepreneurial university: the principal-agent problem Staniulyte, Jurgita

56 5 p. 2971-2988
44 Understanding the determinants of e-wallet continuance usage intention in Malaysia Abdul-Halim, Nurul-Ain

56 5 p. 3413-3439
45 When less conditioning provides better estimates: overcontrol and endogenous selection biases in research on intergenerational mobility Grätz, Michael

56 5 p. 3769-3793
                             45 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland