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                             48 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adding a constant to the variables in the regression through the origin: the effect on the uncentered R2 Triacca, Umberto

57 3 p. 2781-2789
2 A framework for identifying perceived Quality of Life indicators for the elderly in the neighbourhood context: a case study of Kolkata, India Saha, Suparna

57 3 p. 2705-2737
3 Analyzing the asymmetric effect of disaggregated health expenditures on economic growth Erdogan, Sinan

57 3 p. 2673-2686
4 A new grey system approach to forecast closing price of Bitcoin, Bionic, Cardano, Dogecoin, Ethereum, XRP Cryptocurrencies Singh, Pawan Kumar

57 3 p. 2429-2446
5 A Strategic Attitude to Architectural Design with a Culture-Based Psychological Approach (Case Study: Public Spaces in Kermanshah) Khandan, Parya

57 3 p. 2383-2408
6 A text data mining approach to the study of emotions triggered by new advertising formats during the COVID-19 pandemic D’Uggento, Angela Maria

57 3 p. 2303-2325
7 Bibliometric network analysis of thirty years of islamic banking and finance scholarly research Hassanein, Ahmed

57 3 p. 1961-1989
8 Considering the temporal interdependence of human mobility and COVID-19 concerning Indonesia’s large-scale social distancing policies Ahdika, Atina

57 3 p. 2791-2810
9 Correction: Exploring factors related to agreement between importance and satisfaction of subjective well-being indicators: Evidence from Taiwan Cheng, Tsung-Chi

57 3 p. 2953
10 Correction to: Bibliometric network analysis of thirty years of islamic banking and finance scholarly research Hassanein, Ahmed

57 3 p. 2951-2952
11 COVID-19 pandemic accelerates the perception of digital transformation on real estate websites Moro, Matheus Fernando

57 3 p. 2165-2181
12 Criminological scoping reviews as part of a student assignment: methodological considerations Feys, Yinthe

57 3 p. 2327-2355
13 Cyclic clustering approach to impute missing values for cyclostationary hydrological time series Mahmoudi, Mohammad Reza

57 3 p. 2619-2639
14 Differences in measurement quality depending on recall: results for a question about trust in the parliament Revilla, Melanie

57 3 p. 2125-2146
15 Does context matter? Exploring the effects of productive structures on the relationship between innovation and workforce skills’ complementarity Castellano, Rosalia

57 3 p. 1991-2011
16 Does economic structure matter for income inequality? Ghosh, Sudeshna

57 3 p. 2507-2527
17 Does the Fisher effect hold in Rwanda? Ruzima, Martin

57 3 p. 2657-2672
18 Energy use and environmental degradation in Europe: evidence from panel nonlinear ARDL Munir, Kashif

57 3 p. 2529-2543
19 Exploring factors related to agreement between importance and satisfaction of subjective well-being indicators: evidence from Taiwan Cheng, Tsung-Chi

57 3 p. 2811-2839
20 Exploring food security as a multidimensional topic: twenty years of scientific publications and recent developments Righettini, Maria Stella

57 3 p. 2739-2758
21 Exploring the growth direction: the impact of exchange rate and purchasing managers index on economic growth in Sri Lanka Jayathilaka, Ruwan

57 3 p. 2687-2703
22 Exploring the nexus of corporate governance and intellectual capital efficiency: from the lens of profitability Shahzad, Khuram

57 3 p. 2447-2468
23 How do countries deal with global uncertainty? Domestic ability to absorb shock through the lens of the economic complexity and export diversification Nguyen, Canh Phuc

57 3 p. 2591-2618
24 How the application of satellite imagery offers new opportunities to explore China’s urbanisation and development Hung, Jason

57 3 p. 2947-2949
25 Impact of corruption, unemployment and inflation on economic growth evidence from developing countries Uddin, Ijaz

57 3 p. 2759-2779
26 Impact of stock investment on economic performance: a comparative study of on developed & developing economies Jawad, Muhammad

57 3 p. 2013-2032
27 Improving quality of the scanner CPI: proposition of new multilateral methods Białek, Jacek

57 3 p. 2893-2921
28 ‘Leave or remain’: intentions of Gen X and Y employees Weerarathne, R. S.

57 3 p. 2249-2268
29 Measures of state capacity: so similar, yet so different Vaccaro, Andrea

57 3 p. 2281-2302
30 Mixed frequency composite indicators for measuring public sentiment in the EU Mattera, Raffaele

57 3 p. 2357-2382
31 Modelling geographical variations in fertility and population density of Italian and foreign populations at the local scale: a spatial Durbin approach for Italy (2002–2018) Benassi, Federico

57 3 p. 2147-2164
32 Modelling the lexical complexity of homogenous texts: a time series approach Zhang, Yanhui

57 3 p. 2033-2052
33 On the effects of Covid-19 pandemic on stock prices: an imminent global threat Fasanya, Ismail

57 3 p. 2231-2248
34 Perceived influence of COVID-19 pandemic on university students' learning and mental health in Ethiopia Mekonnen, Geberew Tulu

57 3 p. 2545-2562
35 Recommendations for improving research quality: relationships among constructs, verbs in hypotheses, theoretical perspectives, and triangulation Stamenkov, Gjoko

57 3 p. 2923-2946
36 Research impact analysis of an institute using Scopus data and its hierarchical order visualization Singh, Prem Kumar

57 3 p. 2859-2892
37 Risk capacity and investment priority as moderators in the relationship between big-five personality factors and investment behavior: a conditional moderated moderated-mediation model Rajasekar, Arvindh

57 3 p. 2091-2123
38 Scientific journal disciplinarity quantification and sorting using a network index de Sousa Fadigas, Inácio

57 3 p. 2563-2573
39 Setting bounds on age, period, and cohort effects using observed data O’Brien, Robert M.

57 3 p. 2841-2857
40 Students’ perspective on online learning during pandemic in higher education Abdullah, Farooq

57 3 p. 2493-2505
41 Sustainable recyclate packaging in Indonesian food and beverage industry: a hybrid decision-making analysis in consumption stages Chen, Chih-Cheng

57 3 p. 2053-2089
42 The impact of property tax exemptions on the effective property tax rate: evidence from 41 Texas cities Sun, Jingran

57 3 p. 2211-2230
43 Towards the automated evaluation of product packaging in the Food&Beverage sector through data science/machine learning methods Parcesepe, Marika

57 3 p. 2269-2280
44 Tracing knowledge evolution flows in scholarly restaurant research: a main path analysis Rejeb, Abderahman

57 3 p. 2183-2209
45 Two decades of DeLone and Mclean IS success model: a scientometrics analysis Pushparaj, Nancyprabha

57 3 p. 2469-2491
46 Waste from production: an analysis at the firm level Sahu, Santosh Kumar

57 3 p. 2641-2656
47 What can we talk about social cohesion in Korea? An item response theory approach Kim, Sung-Geun

57 3 p. 2409-2427
48 Why does equivalization matter? An application to the monetary poverty in the sustainable development goals framework Izquierdo Llanes, Gregorio

57 3 p. 2575-2589
                             48 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland