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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Application of the Luminescent Carbon Nanoparticles for Optical Diagnostics of Structure-Inhomogeneous Objects at the Micro- and Nanoscales Angelsky, O.

32 4 p. 258-274
2 ASE-UNet: An Orange Fruit Segmentation Model in an Agricultural Environment Based on Deep Learning Changgeng Yu,

32 4 p. 247-257
3 Data Augmentation and Fine Tuning of Convolutional Neural Network during Training for Person Re-Identification in Video Surveillance Systems Ye, S.

32 4 p. 233-246
4 Development of Prediction Models for Vulnerable Road User Accident Severity Saurabh Jaglan,

32 4 p. 346-363
5 Enhancement of Knowledge Distillation via Non-Linear Feature Alignment Jiangxiao Zhang,

32 4 p. 310-317
6 Information Added U-Net with Sharp Block for Nucleus Segmentation of Histopathology Images Anusua Basu,

32 4 p. 318-330
7 Investigating the Efficiency of Using U-Net, Erf-Net and DeepLabV3 Architectures in Inverse Lithography-based 90-nm Photomask Generation Karandashev, I. M.

32 4 p. 219-225
8 Lessen Pressure Drop and Forecasting Thermal Performance in U-Tube Heat Exchanger Using Chimp Optimization and Deep Belief Neural Network Shailandra Kumar Prasad,

32 4 p. 275-294
9 Plant Foliage Disease Diagnosis Using Light-Weight Efficient Sequential CNN Model Raj Kumar,

32 4 p. 331-345
10 Review on Pest Detection and Classification in Agricultural Environments Using Image-Based Deep Learning Models and Its Challenges Venkatasaichandrakanth, P.

32 4 p. 295-309
11 Video Codec Using Machine Learning Based on Parametric Orthogonal Filters Gashnikov, M. V.

32 4 p. 226-232
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland