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                             20 results found
no title author magazine year volume issue page(s) type
1 Allergic clinical symptoms and distribution of stimulation index of drug lymphocyte stimulation test for local anesthetics Baba, Yukiko

29 1 article
2 Application and evaluation of carbonate apatite granules for mandibular bone defect reconstruction after jawbone cyst enucleation–a retrospective case series Fukuda, Naoyuki

29 1 article
3 A prospective split-mouth clinical study: comparison of the effect of lornoxicam and etodolac on postoperative sequels following lower third molar surgery Karabiyik, Zulfikar

29 1 article
4 Association between condylar surface computed tomography values in the coronal plane and temporomandibular joint disc position in jaw deformity patients: a retrospective study Ueki, Koichiro

29 1 article
5 Congenital teratoma of the oral cavity - the largest personal series of cases da Silva Freitas, Renato

29 1 article
6 Correction to: Three-dimensional volumetric assessment and stability of simultaneously placed implant following sinus floor augmentation with deproteinized human demineralized tooth matrix or deproteinized bovine bone mineral: a randomized controlled clinical trial Paetnukroh, Nattha

29 1 article
7 Dental dysplasia in childhood cancer survivors: a case series of permanent tooth abnormalities Muraki, Yumi

29 1 article
8 Follow-up by telephone questionnaire in outpatient oral and maxillofacial surgery Bschorer, Frizzi

29 1 article
9 Formation of bone tissue apatite on starch-based nanofiber-capped nanohydroxyapatite and reduced graphene oxide: a preliminary study Senthil, Rethinam

29 1 article
10 Measurement of bone deformation and insertion torque during dental implant installation Nascimento, Larissa Ramos Xavier Coutinho

29 1 article
11 Oral surgery complication resulting from undiagnosed common variable immunodeficiency: a case report Mezaiko, Eleazar

29 1 article
12 Outcomes and prognostic factors in pediatric orbital trapdoor fracture: a multi-center study Eshraghi, Bahram

29 1 article
13 Outcomes of bilateral temporomandibular joint arthroscopy: an international multicentric prospective study including 524 joints Ângelo, David Faustino

29 1 article
14 Portuguese translation, cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the temporomandibular joint scale: a cross-sectional study Cervaens, Mariana

29 1 article
15 Socket preservation following tooth extraction: an experimental study comparing β-Tricalcium phosphate and F18 bioglass in rats Chad, Melissa Aparecida Batoki

29 1 article
16 Soft-tissue keratocyst: report of 3 new cases from Brazil de Freitas Gonçalves, Thayanne Oliveira

29 1 article
17 Sublingual varices as predictor of factors associated with cardiovascular diseases: A systematic review with meta-analysis Costa, Ana Karolina Leão Silva

29 1 article
18 Surgical management of conventional ameloblastoma: a retrospective cohort study over the past 21 years Leite-Lima, Flávia

29 1 article
19 The predictive and prognostic value of tumor-stromal ratio and tumor budding in the recurrence and outcome of patients with oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma Mansouri, Zahra

29 1 article
20 Three-dimensional evaluation of maxillofacial symmetry improvement following orthognathic surgery in patients with asymmetrical jaw deformities Zheng, Zhuoyang

29 1 article
                             20 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands