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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An adaptive mesh-independent numerical integration for meshless local petrov-galerkin method Cho, Jin Yeon

17 7 p. 986-998
2 Assessment of a phase doppler anemometry technique in dense droplet laden jet Koo, Ja Ye

17 7 p. 1083-1094
3 Design and experimental evaluation of a robust force controller for a 6-link electro-hydraulic manipulator via h∞ control theory Ahn, KyoungKwan

17 7 p. 999-1010
4 Design of a two-dimensional proportional solenoid for miniature directional control pneumatic valves Hong, Yeh-Sun

17 7 p. 978-985
5 Enhancement of the critical heat flux by using heat spreader Yoon, Yong-Sik

17 7 p. 1063-1072
6 Integrity evaluation system of CANDU reactor pressure tube Kim, Young-Jin

17 7 p. 947-957
7 Measurements of three-dimensional velocities of spray droplets using the holographic velocimetry system Choo, Yeon-Jun

17 7 p. 1095-1103
8 Modeling of the axial movement of parts during centerless through-feed grinding Kim, Kang

17 7 p. 1044-1053
9 Modeling of the centerless infeed (plunge) grinding process Kim, Kang

17 7 p. 1026-1035
10 Modeling of the centerless through-feed grinding process Kim, Kang

17 7 p. 1036-1043
11 Numerical analysis of flow and pollutant dispersion over 2-d bell shaped hills Jung, Young-Rae

17 7 p. 1054-1062
12 Pattern optimization of intentional blade mistuning for the reduction of the forced response using genetic algorithm Choi, ByeongKeun

17 7 p. 966-977
13 Pulsatile blood flows through a bileaflet mechanical heart valve with different approach methods of numerical analysis; pulsatile flows with fixed leaflets and interacted with moving leaflets Choi, Choeng Ryul

17 7 p. 1073-1082
14 Tendon responses depending on different anatomical locations Chun, Keyoung Jin

17 7 p. 1011-1015
15 Tensile characteristics and behavior of blood vessels from human brain in uniaxial tensile test Suh, Chang-Min

17 7 p. 1016-1025
16 The effect of vibration on the hemorheological characteristics of non-aggregated blood Shin, Sehyun

17 7 p. 1104-1110
17 Vehicle dynamic analysis using virtual proving ground approach Min, Han Ki

17 7 p. 958-965
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland