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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Plasmons in fissioning metal clusters Reinhard, P. -G.

41 2 p. 151-157
2 Radiative lifetimes of the lowest 3P1 metastable states of Ca and Sr Drozdowski, R.

41 2 p. 125-131
3 Radiative neutralization of small clusters impinging on solid surfaces Lorente, N.

41 2 p. 143-150
4 Short-time quantum dynamics of the driven rigid rotor Persico, M.

41 2 p. 139-141
5 The hyperfine structure in the configuration 4f135d6s6p in ytterbium Kröger, S.

41 2 p. 121-123
6 The hyperfine structure in the configuration 4f135d6s6p in ytterbium Kröger, S.

41 2 p. 121-123
7 Total cross sections of electron collisions with S atoms; H2S, OCS and SO2 molecules (Ei ≥ 50 eV) Joshipura, K. N.

41 2 p. 133-137
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland