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                             4 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Participatory Action Research Approach to Mental Health Interventions among Corrections Officers: Standardizing Priorities and Maintaining Design Autonomy Cherniack, Martin

3 4 p. 387-407
2 Discrimination and Health: Does Hiring, Promoting, and Firing Discrimination Relate to Biological Dysregulation and Cardiovascular Disease? Jang, Seulki “Rachel”

3 4 p. 363-386
3 Insecure about how to Rate your Job Insecurity? A Two-Study Investigation into Time Frames Applied to Job Insecurity Measures Debus, Maike E.

3 4 p. 421-435
4 The Impacts of Face-to-Face and Cyber Incivility on Performance, Helping Behavior, Counterproductive Behaviors, and Physiological Activity Scisco, Jenna L.

3 4 p. 409-420
                             4 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland