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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Advancing Research and Practice Through an Empirically Validated Short-Form Measure of Work Engagement Matthews, Russell A.

4 3 p. 305-331
2 A Qualitative Assessment of the Impact of the Rural Setting on Healthcare Professionals’ Work Experiences Kueny, Clair Reynolds

4 3 p. 375-399
3 Are Counter-Productive Workplace Behaviors and Workplace Deviance Parallel Constructs? A Meta-Analytic Test of a Common Practice Thrasher, Gregory R.

4 3 p. 239-270
4 Being Called to Nursing: Buffering the Stress-Rumination Effects Pindek, Shani

4 3 p. 401-416
5 Being What you Eat: the Impact of Workplace Cafeteria Food on Employee Attitudes Smith, Nicholas A.

4 3 p. 271-286
6 Experienced Aggression and Target-Perpetrated Deviance: Is the Relationship Linear or Non-linear? Bowling, Nathan A.

4 3 p. 287-304
7 It’s Not How You Say It, But What You Say: Communication Valence in the Workplace and Employees’ Reactions Yun, Mansik

4 3 p. 357-374
8 Occupational Health Disparities among Racial and Ethnic Minorities: Lessons from Diverse Research Frameworks Chatterjee, Deepshikha

4 3 p. 215-237
9 Work-Related Spousal Support and Recovery Experiences among Dual-Earner Couples - Work-Linkage as Moderator Walter, Johanna

4 3 p. 333-355
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland