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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A hybrid quantum-classical approach for inference on restricted Boltzmann machines Kālis, Mārtiņš

5 2 artikel
2 An invitation to distributed quantum neural networks Pira, Lirandë

5 2 artikel
3 A quantum “black box” for entropy calculation Koren, Michal

5 2 artikel
4 A semi-agnostic ansatz with variable structure for variational quantum algorithms Bilkis, M.

5 2 artikel
5 Classical splitting of parametrized quantum circuits Tüysüz, Cenk

5 2 artikel
6 Comparing quantum and classical machine learning for Vector Boson Scattering background reduction at the Large Hadron Collider Cugini, Davide

5 2 artikel
7 Conditional generative models for learning stochastic processes Certo, Salvatore

5 2 artikel
8 Data re-uploading with a single qudit Wach, Noah L.

5 2 artikel
9 Estimating the degree of non-Markovianity using variational quantum circuits Dinani, Hossein T.

5 2 artikel
10 Faster quantum state decomposition with Tucker tensor approximation Stanislav, Protasov

5 2 artikel
11 Hybrid quantum ResNet for car classification and its hyperparameter optimization Sagingalieva, Asel

5 2 artikel
12 Interaction graph-based characterization of quantum benchmarks for improving quantum circuit mapping techniques Bandic, Medina

5 2 artikel
13 Linear-layer-enhanced quantum long short-term memory for carbon price forecasting Cao, Yuji

5 2 artikel
14 Quantum autoencoders for communication-efficient cloud computing Zhu, Yan

5 2 artikel
15 Quantum boosting using domain-partitioning hypotheses Chatterjee, Sagnik

5 2 artikel
16 Quantum computing for a profusion of postman problem variants Pion, Joel E.

5 2 artikel
17 Quantum convolutional neural networks for multi-channel supervised learning Smaldone, Anthony M.

5 2 artikel
18 Quantum Metropolis Solver: a quantum walks approach to optimization problems Campos, Roberto

5 2 artikel
19 Quantum reinforcement learning via policy iteration Cherrat, El Amine

5 2 artikel
20 Rapid training of quantum recurrent neural networks Siemaszko, Michał

5 2 artikel
21 Resource saving via ensemble techniques for quantum neural networks Incudini, Massimiliano

5 2 artikel
22 The cross-sectional stock return predictions via quantum neural network and tensor network Kobayashi, Nozomu

5 2 artikel
23 The effect of the processing and measurement operators on the expressive power of quantum models Gratsea, Aikaterini (Katerina)

5 2 artikel
24 Time series quantum classifiers with amplitude embedding Cuéllar, M. P.

5 2 artikel
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland